Ignis X-suite is the latest X-suite in PUBG Mobile and it was released on 4-05-2024 and you can claim this suit till the end of this month. This X-suit is not as famous as the others because of the simple look of it. But this new X-suit got a cool victory broadcast of a lion’s face roaring which you haven’t seen before in PUBG Mobile. This new X-suit has a lot of amazing features and also this event has a new pet which we are going to talk about in this article so keep reading this article to know all the pros and cons of this new X-suit and you should get it or not.

Ignis event rewards:
There are some cool new rewards available at this new Ignis event. First of all as obvious the X-suit. The second attractive thing is the Scorching Blessing AMR gun skin and it is worth mentioning that there is an awesome emote available at this event which has become so popular already. And I can not just explain it in words, you must watch by yourself how gorgeous that emote is with the lion. It looks dashing.
This event has also introduced a new pet named Lion Buddy. It is the most attractive companion of all. We have previously got other pets on PUBG Mobile such as a Falcon, Kitten, Shiba Inu, and Arctic Wolf but none of them are as attractive as the new one. This new Lion Buddy is much bigger than the others and it also has an upgraded version available if you spin on this new event there is a chance of getting that awesome skin.
There are two throwable items available in this event also called Scorching Blessing Grenade and Scorcing Blessing Molotov Cocktail. Both of these are upgradable but you need to have the firearm to unlock the elimination effect of these items.
There are also a backpack dress and hair set available at this event but those are not that pretty to get mentioned. However, there is a pen skin you can like called Posy Secret. but I think if you are going to spin on this event then your full aim will be to unlock the Ignis X-suit and the gun skin.
Ignis X-suit:
This new X-suit is the 11th X-suit that PUBG Mobile has ever launched. And I can bet that is not the prettiest and the players’ favorite one. The survey that I have made has found that the most popular X-suit is still the second one called the Blood Raven X-suit. However, this is not the worst one. After the Iridescence X-suit, this is the best one PUBG Mobile launched and it can be the third most favorite X-suit in PUBG Mobile which we can confirm after the event ends. And I will write another article about when this event ends.
Ignis X-suit has a 7-star level as the other X-suits. When the X-suit is in its basic form it looks like a 100 RP dress nothing else. When you upgrade the star level to level two you get the Spectacular Arrival where you will arrive riding a big lion and it looks pretty dashing. When you upgrade your X-suit to level three you will have the advanced form of the X-suit where you get a lion’s face on your left shoulder which doesn’t look that special.
At the star level, four you get the Victory Broadcast this is awesome and this is the most gorgeous victory broadcast PUBG Mobile has ever given. You will see a lion’s face burning on the elimination broadcast, isn’t it cool? answer me in the comment section.
Level 5 of Ignis X-suit is Shock And Awe which has two emotes called entry emote and exclusive emote. Both of them are mindblowing. Ignis suit star level 6 is the final form where you get to see a brownish color and the left arm of the character is glowing like it’s burning. It looks aggressive and also you get tagged and broadcast in the final form.
Ignis X-suit 7 star level is the final level and here you get Glide, Orbiter, and Summon. We have seen Summon and Orbitter before but the Glide is new and so far the best glider in PUBG Mobile.
Let me explain, When you jump from the plane with the star level 7 Ignis X-suit you will glide riding a Pegasus called Dominion Wings Glider in PUBG Mobile.
Ignis X-suit event is the latest X-suit event and the 11th X-suit. This X-suit has become popular from the first day it was released and keeps rising in popularity. Players love this new event for its awesome new X-suit. The plus point is it is easier to get if I compare it with the other X-suits. This latest X-suit can be found around 10K UC. I would recommend you to have this new X-suit if you don’t have any. But if you already have an X-suit then don’t waste UC on this event because PUBG Mobile is going to launch another X-suit after two months. You might like that one more.
Thank you so much for reading this article if you liked this one please visit our website and you will find lots of PUBG Mobile-related articles that you can read. That’s all for today I hope to see you in the next one.